For a roadside Wintersense Road Temperature Sensor
Wintersense road temperature sensors are small (max length < 13 cm), lightweight (< 500g), battery-powered devices that measure road surface temperature using a passive infrared sensor. They submit their observations to the cloud at regular intervals using wireless communications.
Sensor installation is commonly performed by the Wintersense team as an optional part of the service. However, if you are planning to perform the installation yourself then here is a guide detailing the steps involved.
You'll probably already have a good idea of which sections of your road network are of most interest, e.g. a suspected cold spot, or accident-prone location. Alternatively you may wish to select a site that is representative of a particular gritting route, or spread them out uniformly. The next step is to find suitable roadside street furniture, onto which the sensors can be mounted, within those areas.
Depending on the communications network used by the sensor, e.g. LPWANs or Wi-Fi, it is also crucial to ensure there is a wireless signal. Please get in touch for help checking this.
The procedure for mounting the sensor is as follows:
By this point the sensor should be regularly submitting road temperature measurements to the Wintersense cloud servers. However, until it's linked to your own Wintersense Network you won't be able to see any data from it. The steps involved to do this are as follows:
In practise you may wish to add all your Sensors (and possibly Sites) to your Network before you go out to install. This way all you have to do in the field is add a new Link once you have installed a given Sensor at a given Site.
A Sensor refers to the physical device. Each sensor has an id and a type, along with a unique 10 character Key that's used to add a sensor to your Network.
A Site refers to a place where a sensor is, or will be, installed.
As soon as you physically install a Sensor at a Site that's when you should Link the two together. Likewise when you remove the Sensor, perhaps to use it at another Site, you should Unlink it. Were you to swap it for a replacement then this new Sensor would be Linked to the same Site. This produces a continuous record of observations for the Site no matter many Sensors were used.